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Las Vegas Nurse License Defense Lawyers

Aggressive License Defense For Nurses In Las Vegas

Nurses are the backbone of our healthcare system, providing both skill and compassion to ensure patients receive the care they need. However, their immense responsibility also means they are held to exceptionally high standards. Not to mention, the Nevada Board of Nursing can be strict when investigating misconduct claims against nurses.

The Board holds significant authority, including the ability to deny, suspend, or revoke a nursing license entirely. This makes mounting a strong defense during an investigation or subsequent proceedings absolutely essential.

If you’re facing scrutiny from the Nevada Board of Nursing, an experienced Las Vegas nursing license defense attorney can provide invaluable support. With a deep understanding of board procedures, they can guide you through every step of the process. Whether you’re under investigation, preparing for a hearing, or seeking to reinstate your license, professional representation from an experienced medical license defense lawyer can protect your rights and help you pursue the best possible outcome.

Reasons for Denial, Suspension, or Revocation of a Nursing License

The Nevada Board of Nursing can deny licensure to applicants convicted of a crime. However, you will have an opportunity to explain mitigating circumstances and rehabilitation. The type of conviction plays a key role in whether a license is issued or revoked. Don’t let a past mistake stop you from pursuing your dream career. It’s vital to seek help early from a Nevada nursing license defense attorney who can guide you through the process. The Las Vegas Nurse Lawyers understand the Board’s disciplinary process and can help you secure or protect your license.

If you hold a nursing license in Nevada and are convicted of a crime after it has been issued, the Nevada Board of Nursing will conduct periodic background checks. To protect your license, reputation, and career, it is crucial to promptly self-report any criminal convictions. Consulting with an experienced Las Vegas nurse defense lawyer can help ensure your professional standing and livelihood remain secure.

A nurse’s license can be suspended or revoked for various reasons, including fraudulent actions, unprofessional conduct, or failure to provide adequate supervision. The Board may take such action in cases involving, but not limited to, the following circumstances:

  • Being convicted of a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude
  • Assigning responsibilities to unqualified individuals
  • Violating “generally accepted professional standards” in practice
  • Fraudulently obtaining or misusing a professional license
  • Failing to report suspected cases of child abuse
  • Denying services to individuals who are HIV positive
  • Neglecting to follow CDC guidelines on universal precautions

Additionally, working under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or even being suspected of a substance use disorder, can lead to suspension or revocation of your nursing license. Fortunately, our professional license defense team at the Las Vegas Nurse Lawyers can assess the situation, gather evidence, and help you decide whether it’s better to avoid disciplinary proceedings by enrolling in a certified rehabilitation program.

nurse license defense

Nurse License Defense For Substance Abuse

It’s not uncommon for nurses to face the loss of their license due to issues related to substance abuse. This can include incidents such as DUI arrests, medication diversion, appearing intoxicated at work, or other situations where substance abuse impacts their professional responsibilities. At Las Vegas Nurse Lawyers, we are dedicated to defending your nursing license with a carefully crafted, strategic approach designed to maximize your chances of success.

Before accepting any settlement or resolution proposed by the Nevada Board of Nursing, it’s crucial to seek the guidance of an experienced nursing board defense attorney. Many of the terms and conditions in such settlements are often negotiable, but without expert legal assistance, you may not fully understand all the options available or how to leverage them. Our team is committed to uncovering every potential opportunity for negotiation and working tirelessly to secure the most favorable outcome for your case.

Nurse License Defense For Criminal Charges

We represent nurses facing license denial, suspension, or revocation due to allegations of failing to disclose a prior criminal charge or conviction. While this is undoubtedly a serious issue in the nursing profession, it doesn’t mean the situation is indefensible. Our experienced Nevada nurse defense attorney has handled numerous cases like these, successfully resolving them to help nurses retain their licenses and continue their careers.

Criminal charges, even those unrelated to the workplace, are often subject to disciplinary action by the Nursing Board. This is because the Board views criminal activity as unprofessional conduct and a violation of its code of ethics. Arrests for misdemeanors or felonies can trigger these actions, with some of the most common charges including:

  • Driving Under The Influence
  • Domestic Violence
  • Theft
  • Sexual Charges
  • Assault
  • White Collar Crime

Nurse License Defense For Failed Drug Tests

Failing a drug test can seriously impact your nursing career, making it essential to consult an experienced Nevada nursing license defense lawyer. Drug test failures often involve issues like medication diversion, marijuana, alcohol, or other substances, and can lead to disciplinary action by the Nevada Board of Nursing.

If you’re under investigation, have failed a drug test, or are worried about a future test, a Las Vegas nurse attorney can guide you through the process. In some cases, the Board may suspend your license immediately, requiring a strong legal defense and quick action.

Protecting your license and career starts with swift action. An experienced attorney can help you build a strong case and advocate on your behalf.

Alternative To Discipline Program for Nurses in Nevada

The Nevada Board of Nursing offers an Alternative to Discipline Program designed to support nurses and CNAs whose ability to practice may be affected by chemical dependency. This program allows participants to continue working while actively engaging in a Board-approved chemical dependency treatment program. Importantly, the program is confidential, non-disciplinary, and non-public.

The primary goal of the Alternative to Discipline Program is to safeguard the public by identifying impaired professionals, providing intervention and education, and ensuring the completion of an approved recovery program. This initiative empowers nurses and CNAs to take accountability for their recovery and re-enter their profession with renewed confidence and commitment.

License Defense For Nurses In Las Vegas

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are The Most Common Complaints Against Nurses That Could Lead to Disciplinary Action?

Many complaints against nurses arise from practicing without the necessary credentials or a valid nursing license. Complaints can be filed by patients, physicians, fellow nurses, employers, or the general public and typically involve allegations of illegal, unsafe, unethical, or incompetent practices. In Nevada, some of the most common complaints include:

  • Prescription drug misuse
  • Drug diversion
  • Impaired behavior on the job
  • Medication errors leading to patient harm or death
  • Patient abandonment
  • Abuse or exploitation of patients
  • Violations of professional boundaries

What Happens When a Complaint Is Filed Against a Nurse in Nevada?

The Nevada Board of Nursing will initiate a case and assign an investigator to thoroughly examine the matter. This investigator will gather evidence and present their findings to the Board, which will then determine if disciplinary action is warranted. While this decision is not final and can be appealed, navigating the process alone can be challenging and overwhelming. Enlisting an experienced Nevada nurse defense attorney significantly increases your chances of protecting your license. Don’t jeopardize your career by underestimating the seriousness of a complaint—take action to safeguard your future.

Who Is Eligible to File a Nursing Misconduct Claim in Nevada?

Nevada is a mandatory reporting state, meaning all citizens must report cases of physical abuse, exploitation, malpractice, sexual abuse, and other serious offenses. Nurses, due to their profession, are especially vulnerable to accusations—whether false or justified. Reports can be made by anyone, including patients, caregivers, family members, or coworkers.

An investigation, regardless of its basis, can jeopardize your career and reputation. Trust is essential for nurses to do their jobs effectively. Patients, families, and coworkers rely on you to perform at your best. However, once a complaint is filed, your employer’s trust may start to erode, leaving you without the support you need. That’s why it’s critical to consult a Las Vegas nursing license defense attorney as soon as you learn of a potential misconduct claim.

How Can Nurses Enroll in the Alternative to Discipline Program?

  • Step 1: To participate in the Nevada Board of Nursing’s Alternative to Discipline Program, you must voluntarily acknowledge your addiction to alcohol and/or controlled substances. By admitting the issue, you demonstrate accountability and a commitment to seeking help and self-improvement. This willingness is a crucial first step toward entering the program.
  • Step 2: You will be required to temporarily surrender your nursing license or certification through a formal agreement and undergo a Board-approved treatment program. To complete this step, you must provide documentation to the Board confirming the successful completion of the treatment program, which includes:
    • 80 hours of educational coursework
    • 80 hours of group counseling
    • 20 hours of individual counseling
  • Step 3: Once you’ve fulfilled the treatment and Alcoholics Anonymous/Narcotics Anonymous (AA/NA) requirements, you must commit to a monitoring agreement for a minimum of five years. This agreement ensures ongoing accountability by closely overseeing your nursing practice while providing continued support for your recovery journey.

Don’t Risk Your License, Call The Las Vegas Nurse Lawyers Now

At The Las Vegas Nurse Lawyers, we provide skilled defense for medical professionals throughout every stage of disciplinary proceedings in Nevada. Led by Chandon Alexander, Esq., our team is committed to helping nurses safeguard their licenses and protect their professional reputations. We take an aggressive approach to achieving favorable outcomes in cases brought by licensing boards. If you’re facing license suspension or revocation, don’t navigate the Nevada Board of Nursing process alone.

Consult with a dedicated Nevada nursing license defense lawyer today by calling 702-466-1234. Our experienced legal team is available 24/7 to discuss your case and explore how we can assist you. Contact us now to get the support you deserve.